Saturday, October 17, 2009

We made it!.

Arrived in LA 4am Canberra time with little or no sleep and a range of pains for staying still that long. Got through customs etc pretty quickly and on to Hertz. The booking said convertible but I had to ask the it a Mustang? He got the phone to someone and said "another mustang" then hung up and said to me "everyone wants a mustang". I thought "of course". So we have it, highly impractical (one case has to stay on the back seat because there is no room in the boot) but for cool factor it can't be beat. Drove the 12 miles or so to the Hotel and checked in. Had lunch and then took on the strangeness that is Venice Beach boardwalk. Longer than we thought (it took over 3 hours to walk to the other end and back) but just what we expected. Lots of colour, entertainment, hustlers and yes, weirdness. Photos soon because now I am going to have a quick dinner and then sleep as I have just past 30 hours without it.

Photo update (added 19/10 my time)

Our hotel is the small pink one at the centre of this photo

Venice Beach weirdness

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