Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Trees, trees and more big trees

Took the long and windy road up to glacier point. Absolutely worth the hour long trip with views over most of the valley with all the iconic features and several waterfalls. Went down to the village
and had a quick look around. Nothing too exciting except for the views around us as we had lunch. Spotted some climbers on El Capitan. Lunatics.
A guest at the hotel says the record for
the climb is only 5 hours!
Off to Mariposa Grove to see some Sequoias. Contemplated walking the trail but decided to shell out for the tram trip given the time we had available. Soooo glad we did causes the trail is not only 6 km long but probably 6km straight up (well not really but it is pretty steep). Saw some amazing trees and learnt lots about the trees and the history of the park. Next day we headed off to Sequoia National Park. Stopped at the General Grant tree which is the 3rd biggest tree in the world (by volume and weight) and the largest sequoia by circumference. Fantastic tree and plenty of "lesser" trees around it. Indescribable really.

To the Wuksachi lodge to check in only to be told they had a propane gas failure which has killed the restaurant menu and any hot water. They had an alternative makeshift menu for dinner and they hoped the water would be back on that night. As the nearest accommodation was about 1 hour and 7000 ft down the mountain we took the risk. At dinner time they then had a fire alarm and all the restuarant guests were evacuated. All worked out in the end and we opted for a takeway selection from the buffet. As I walked back to our room in the darkness clutching a "take out box" of BBQ food I contemplated the Bear Aware form I signed which states that as bears were active looking for food I should remove all food from my car overnight.
Clearly I made it but it may have been a close thing...I will never know.

Went down the General Sherman Grove which contains the world's largest living object...ie the General Sherman sequoia. They didn't mention the 0.8 mile trail to the grove was pretty close to down the side of the cliff (again I exaggerated but it wasn't a stroll in the country). Worth checking out this photo full size.

That said it was very impressive (even compared to the Grant Tree). Where the tree is feels like a kind of natural cathedral with the Sherman tree in the centre and lots of lesser trees around with a full canopy above. My feelings must have been felt by others as everyone was speaking in hushed tones even though there was no real reason to do so.

Left Sequoia for death valley the next day in what is to be our marathon leg of the journey to Death Valley

1 comment:

  1. Looks like lots of driving and some great sights - I read up on El Capitan in an outdoor adventure book - 5 hours would be a very impressive climb. I suppose US $.90c is cheap to us but if its the most expensive gas then the norm must be really cheap.
