Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Three Michael Jacksons

Negotiated the infamous LA expressways without too much drama and checked in to the hotel. It is 50m from the Hollywood & Highland shopping complex and a further 50m to the walk of fame and all that stuff. Nice apartment and strangely reasonably priced.

Ventured out to pursue the issue of "knockoff" womens accessories. An internet search revealed a place called Santee Alley which is "ground zero" for fake bags etc. Found it no problems but it is a little seedy and chock full of pushy street vendors. Carrying a camera is not a good idea when you ask "Do you have any fake Chanel bags" however eventually we found a guy who has stuff stashed in secret locations in his shop and we left with all the stuff we needed.

Then for a complete change of pace drove back through Rodeo drive fully realising we could not even afford to window shop.
Also stopped at High Voltage Tattoo aka LA Ink to get the ABS corporate logo tattoed where the sun doesn't shine (well not really but is was interesting although Kat wasn't there at the time).

Wandered up and down the Walk of Fame for a while but got bored quite quickly. Many "performers" looking to have a photo with you and relieve you of some money for the honour. At one stage there was 3 Michael Jacksons within 10 m of each other (see photo) and Wonderwoman, Superman, Yoda and others looking on. Stupid place.

Friday we went to Universal Studios. Had heaps of fun. Can recommend the Simpsons virtual rollercoaster but the Haunted House was a bit lame. Did the studio tour, waterworld show and a few other things but didn't get time to do their big rides or the backdraft show because the park closed at 5pm. At one point of the studio tour they show you the set for War of the Worlds. They got a real 747 jumbo, ripped it apart and scattered bits around. Crazy but looks good. Did get a photo with Spongebob Squarepants which was a highlight.

If you go there in the peak season I would recommend the front of line passes (although if everyone did the same it would be pointless I guess).

Saturday was our final day and what better way to celebrate than to drive 2 hours to San Diego? Well I guess there are better ways but that is what we did. Went to see the USS Midway which was the longest serving aircraft carrier in the US Navy and is now an exhibit which you can crawl all over. Built in 1945 it served in Vietnam and the Middle East before being decommissioned in 1991. Fascinating and great fun. Make sure you do the bridge tour but bring ropes and pitons cause the stairs are ridiculously steep. Love the quote from the helicopter squadron on the ship who did the rescues, presumably aimed at the fighter pilots..... "If you don't like helicopters, next time you ditch call a fixed wing"

Back to LAX on the freeway in the early evening..great sight with 5 lanes of tail lights and 5 lanes of headlights bumper to bumper. Can someone find more fossil fuels please.

LAX security checking was out of control with lines looping through the checkin counter queues and no-one really there to tell you where to go. Add in ongoing renovations and it was not a good scene. Got through ok and in time for the plane. A casual 14 hours with my knees up my nostrils watching a 6 inch tv screen and eating crap airline food and we got home with all the priceless Navajo artifacts intact and nothing missing. Can start planning for next time. Apparently it should involve somewhere warm, preferably a beach and less frantic sightseeing. Not sure I can do that but will have to try I suppose.

Thanks for watching.

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